Motivational Mondays


Hey Hey Friends!

I thought I would start sharing some motivation for you and me. I don’t know about you, but sometimes I feel like I am my only cheerleader - which can be super hard when you don’t know where you are going or what you are doing or when starting your own business. You know what sometimes you have to rely on your own motivation to get you to where you want to go…. So here 🥂 is to starting something to inspire and motivate you incredible beings, to find comfort in the uncertainty ahead of us.

Meghan Claire Photography, Motivational Monday

The best ways I have found to be my own cheerleader are: by dancing (releasing that serotonin) or exercising, as well as speaking kind words over myself in the mirror. Speaking truth. Repeating it until I believe it. Why speak unkind words over yourself which you would never say to another person? You just wouldn’t.

Don’t get me wrong, learning to dance like no one is watching takes practice but once you do it and do it with joy and confidence, you will feel empowered and released from caring what other people think. It is also super cringey at first when speaking kind words over yourself while staring into your own eyes in the mirror, it can be very uncomfortable and emotional. However, like anything, the more you practice it the better you will get and more you will gain confidence in it, and in YOURSELF.

One of the biggest and best realisations I have had this year so far is:


Meaning that no one else is responsible for the choices you make (or actively don’t make) except you and nothing will get done if I don’t get it done (especially as a business owner). This I found to be greatly freeing. Releasing the blame I have put on others in the past; owning my mistakes and rejoicing in the victories instead.

These days I choose to take responsibility for my time, emotions, my actions and my choices, those whom I invest time in and those whom I don’t. By doing this my life is more intentional, free and so much more satisfying. I no longer rely on other people to hype me up, as it is my responsibility to choose joy and for me to be my “biggest cheerleader”.

This doesn’t mean that I don’t love encouragement from others, I mean who wouldn’t enjoy being hyped up by other people? The important thing is I don’t rely on them for my emotions and choices.

Anyway, I hope this maybe helps you in someway. If you don’t cheer on yourself, how can you expect anyone else to?

Let me know in the comments which ways you are your “biggest cheerleader”?

I would love to know.

Take Care

Meghan Claire



✨ Kind Words ✨


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