Let's Get Active

A month of intentional activity.

First point of call, write blog post. I have MIA with the blog posts this year, lots of shoots have been going on, meaning that my head space hasn’t been focussing on the blog. But that is okay, when it comes to social media marketing, you have to use the platform that works best for you.
The best platform for me is Instagram and LinkedIn these days. Instagram is a great platform for me as it is where I hang out most of the time, and LinkedIn is great for meeting other business owners in a multitude of varying industries. Therefore I have bee focusing my energy own them. However, this month that is going to change.

This month (April 2022) is the month of getting active. This not only means getting back into a routine of being physically active, but using all the muscles we’ve given. I.e. our brains, hearts, creativity, skills, etc.

My plan is to spend time each day reading a few pages of a book that will help me with business, personal development, marketing, photography, any kind of book I can learn something from. I don’t know about you but I notice and I sometimes feel like I get dumber when I don’t read and learn something actively for a while… so to combat that feeling I am going to be ACTIVE in my endeavour to learn more consistently, show up more consistently and share what I am learning with you all. Take you along for the ride, because ti will be fun!

Anyway, I will be back with all the things I am learning about personal branding, running a business, marketing, all the good stuff for you on my socials (@meghanclaire.co.uk) and will do my best to do more details on here…


