In the life of Meghan Claire

Life Indoors

Part I


Last week I made the decision to aim to do a photoshoot every week and share with all of you the outcomes, whether that be food photography, self portraiture, recent commissioned work, I don’t know. It will be mixture of topics, with the intention of documenting my growth as a photographer as well as sharing with you my journey and process behind the way I work.

After having to reschedule a commissioned shoot to a later date, I found myself itching to take some photographs, and I had been putting off getting new photos of myself for while. This ended up being the time to just do it.

Here is how it went… Check out my Instagram Highlights to see some behind the scenes footage!


| in Preparation |

The morning of this shoot I got up and got ready, taking the time to pamper myself to build up my confidence and hype myself up. I found that once I had done my hair and make up, and picked out a couple of outfits I felt comfortable in, and yet professional (something my clients would expect to see me wearing) my confidence and an excitement grew. Making me eager to see the outcomes even before I had taken the photos.

Once I had my outfits sorted, make up and hair done, I then needed to figure out where I was going to take the photos. My original idea was to set up a space outside, with a backdrop, however due to heavy rain this was not possible - comes with living in the UK. So inside it was, using the sofas as props to lean against and sit on. After clearing out the clutter, to cancel the noise (busyness) within the frame of the lens and adding a few bits of decoration, for a splash of simple detail, ie the vases and foliage - I was then ready to set up the lights and camera. Once the ring light and tripod were in position…

… it was time to put on my first outfit, turn on the music, and get to work.


I found that it took a little while to get into the groove of the shoot, but once I had taken a moment to think, pray and imagine the photos I wanted, I then figured out what I needed to do and the poses I needed to make to get the outcome I envisioned. By adding music into the mix - I was able to relax and loosen up. It ended up being a really enjoyable time, getting into the groove of the music and having a little fun.


I don’t know about you but I have found it to be very important to keep photos of you and your team updated, whether you run a large or small business, headshots and portraits make great content for your online audience to get to know you, your team, your brand.

I have come to recognise the importance of getting in front of the lens and showing my face to my audience, and any potential clients. As my story and my personality are the things which will distinguish me from any other photographer out there - those who hire me will do so because of what I have to offer, not just in terms of my photography skills, but my people skills too.

This shoot has gifted me with excitement to share them with those who follow me and potentially will work with me in the future.


If I can do it then you can do it too, and you may have a good time doing so.


I would love to hear from you if this is something you have been thinking about or something you want to get involved in, please do get in touch. And if you’d like to find out more about personal branding photography or maybe you know you need new photos of you - pop me an email and I will answer any questions you may have.

Check out my Instagram Highlights to see some behind the scenes footage!


World Food Day


Colour Psychology